YOUR TRUE STORY And The Power Of Words

YOUR TRUE STORY And The Power Of Words


The attention to the power of words has been a pivotal tool in growing my self worth and learning to exercise my being in my worth. When Alina Kulesh and I met it was an instant knowing. A knowing and alignment in a vibration of creative expression. Alina showed up at one of my soundbaths and I learned she was one of many amazing things, a writer. After that meeting we began creating a workshop that satisfied both our curiosities in allowing sound vibrations to reveal deeper truths in order to let go of old stories and speak and embody our highest versions and vibrations of ourselves. The magic of the Misfit Studio alongside Alina’s gentleness and clarity allowed for much needed direction in finding what we still hold on to as our truths and encouraged us to rewrite our story. The sound vibrations opened us up to that clarity. We closed in stepping into the power of speaking out loud and recording our new stories. It is one thing to write things down it is another to speak it out loud, this simple exercise is so powerful.

This experience was a beautiful revealing of how strongly we cling to our limiting stories and we are enslaved by them endlessly every time the story is retold. But as in the practice of meditation, there is always a choice ( to come back to the breath everytime) and everytime you do it strengthens where you want to be and the story you want to tell.



KOBO WELLNESS DAY And How You Can Start One In Your Workplace.

KOBO WELLNESS DAY And How You Can Start One In Your Workplace.